Assignment 2 completed

Another assignment down!! I’m glad to be done with this assignment. It was definitely a challenge and like Hayden I was also frustrated by not being able to utilize the Health and Physical Education curriculum as it still waiting to be endorsed.

I had to turn to mathematics for this assessment, but I am glad as it aligns with one of my other courses (EDX3280 – Mathematics Curriculum and Pedagogy). So I got a few good ideas which I can definitely utilize for that assessment.

I don’t know about everyone else, but it feels good to complete another assessment piece. While assignment 2 for this course was a challenge, I know I have benefited from it and learned a lot from completing it.

Prac yeowwww

I don’t know about everyone else but going on prac is my favourite part of the doing this course. For me personally I learn more going on prac than what I do at uni. Don’t get me wrong uni is great but on prac you get to test all the theories you’ve been studying. I know the workload is huge with setting up lesson plans and keeping up with university assignments and no work which equals no money, but its a challenging test which makes you feel great when completing it all. But like Delsimone, I too am a little worried about this prac with the whole assignment 3 of this course being a reflection about how we integrate ICTs. It is going to be interesting, demanding but hopefully a lot of fun.

When ICT fails

I don’t know if anybody else is failing to log on to USQ at the moment (it seems to be a common occurrence, especially when you urgently need to check something). Anyway through my frustration of trying to log in to Uconnect, it got me thinking of what happens when ICT fails and there is nothing we can do about it, especially in a classroom setting.That is why it is important to always have a back up plan in your back pocket that does not involve using ICT. Here is a link to the Teaching Channel which gives tips to teachers when a lesson goes wrong or not according to plan. Click here to view it.

Anyway, thank you USQ for teaching me this valuable lesson.

oh no exams!!

As some may be aware last week our exam timetable were released. To be honest I had no clue of this until about 5 minutes ago before writing this blog. I was made aware by reading a blog from Delsimone, which you can read his blog from this link. Anyway through reading Delsimone’s blog I found a great resource which I thought I should share as well.  This resource is a website that gives you revision strategies on how to better prepare ourselves for our exams. The resource can be found here by clicking this link. It is worth having a look if you struggle to organise yourself when it comes to preparing for exams.

Math resource

Similar to Hayley, I am also designing my unit for Year 5 Mathematics for assignment 2. While I was also researching the internet for some useful resources for representing and interpreting data, I found a cool resource which I will be utilizing in my unit plan. I would like to share this one in particular which will hopefully help someone else who is doing something similar. This resource can help students better understand how to read and interpret data in various graphs and tables. The website can be easily accessed by students and can be used for independent work online. For more information on this resource click here.

More HPE applications

Again I would like to share a website I have found which has various applications that could be useful for HPE teachers or HPE students trying to find ICTs to embed in their lessons. This website has applications specific to a certain physical activity or sport, warm up or circuit training apps, organizational apps, feedback or analysis apps, presentational apps and also active application which student can play and get fit at the same time. Click here for more information on these apps.

HPE Resources

Today I would like to share more HPE resources which I have found through Danielle’s blog. I know I have put up a few posts about HPE resources but not only am I passionate about sport and health and physical education but also I think it is important to share all these resources to help other HPE students who will be going on prac during EDC3100 course.

Firstly I would like to share Cardiograph is an application which measures your heart rate. This application can be useful when students are exercising as it allows them to know how fast their heart is beating. The Second application I would like to share is Virtual Heart which lets you explore multiple real-time views of the human heart. This technology allows students to explore the heart in ways not possible in the real world. For further information on its benefits watch this video here.

Technology gone to far?

I was reading one of Hayley’s posts about how she was watching the news about a school in Brisbane who have been supplied with a heap of new technology devices which they could use for learning. She continued to explain how she initially thought it was great and it prepared students for future jobs, but as she kept on watching wondered if the tech was actually necessary unless they want to become engineers or something down that line of work. I have to agree with Hayley and say technology is a great way to engage students into learning and prepares them for the future but, through these devices do students learn essential concepts, strategies and skills needed in everyday life? There needs to be relevant reasons for using these devices where students can benefit from using that type of tech in the future. Now I never watched the segment on the news so I cant really judge, but hopefully this tech is being used in the right way where it is benefiting the students.

Another great resource

Again I was reading through some blogs when I came across another interesting one from Jaime. Basically she has posted up a video of a teacher using a resource “Coach’s Eye” which is a fantastic easy to use app that allows students to be able to see their techniques when doing activities and compare them to someone who has good technique. In this case the teacher had already made clips of him doing the technique correctly. This way students get to see where they can improve and keep trying to improve their technique. The blog is titled “Too cool not to share”, which you can read and check out the video she has posted if you click here.

Assignment 1 complete

The pressure is finally off! I have completed my online artefact and now I can go out and celebrate! whooo! I know there will be a few people who are in the same boat as me and have completed their assignment early so I congratulate you all. But will also be a lot of people who haven’t completed assignment 1 yet so I also wish you good luck.

If anyone would like to check out my online artefact please click here. Apparently we are suppose to have a link to to our assignment for anyone out there who does not know.
